Sunday 16 June 2013

The life list...

   Now this list is similar to the 'Bucket' list, but instead of it being about the things you want to experience in life, it's about what you want to achieve in life. 
 If I wanted to be a doctor I would list the college and University degrees I would need to do and grades I would need to achieve, or what jobs I would need to find to help me with work experiences.
  What I want from a partner, whether that's looks, personality or wealth.
   Wedding and/or Birthday plans
Listing the details of each part of the event and who's invited, colour schemes and clothes to wear etc.

  This is where shit gets really messy. You could write down every part of your life in one of these lists and plan your whole future in detail, but like the bucket list, if you don't get to do what you originally planned then you could easily end up pissed off or even worse, Depressed!
   Some people go on like they have done everything they've ever planned to do in life but is that actually true? I would find it really surprising if anyone had managed to plan their life out in perfect detail using one of these lists and actually live every thing they had planned in perfect order. If they did then I would like to know if they liked the fact that their lives where so boring and predictable!?
    Being a girly girl I have wrote many of these lists out, you know the wedding list. That list that every young girl writes at least once a year, planning their fairytale wedding to Sir Prince Charming. Mine differed every time the seasons changed, what genre of music I listened to or what man I was in lust with. So even if I managed to do everything on my lists I would end up in a really weird place in my head, That little place called confused land. The reason for that would be because I like change, What I like this year may not be what I will like next year. I would end up hating myself for not breaking free from the boring, monotonous life I had forced myself to have. Don't get me wrong, the career paths and plans list is one I wouldn't expect to change every year but its one of them lists that some people may need to correct over the years, because they have set out to do a certain career but the path led them onto a different ending. For example (above) I wrote about being a doctor but I could end up being a mortician instead because of certain skills I had gained and experiences I had, like places of work etc. 
    This is why our list become one of the many lists that end up in... The toilet paper list! You can keep adding to it the older you get making it ever longer...

Thursday 13 June 2013

The Night Out List...

    Not everyone has one of these, but this is one of my regular lists. The Night Out list! This list is a must have if your a female who likes to make themselves look like a shiny new tree ornament before going out to attract some male attention.  

  • Hair appointment
  • Tan
  • Outfit
  • Shoes
  • Nail appointment
  • Shape up nickers ( Bridgette Jones's )
and so on...
   This is the list that grows. First it starts with times of appointment, places to meet your mates and that's where the night out list stops and the shopping list starts. You realize you have no costume jewelry to match the new dress or shoes you bought, your nail varnish has turned into a congealed clot at the bottom of the varnish pot so you need a replacement, then you need wine and refreshments while you get ready, so you go shopping. 
   Although you have this list, you didn't get the memo from God about all the problems that face you during your night out.
The Night Out
    You make all your appointments in time, your looking your best, feeling confident and excited about the night ahead. Your friends all meet you where they are supposed to and that's when you start to drink, gossip, dance and eye up the talent in the club.
   You get tipsy and as the night goes on you forget who you are and become (in your mind) the worlds best supermodel! You enter the toilet to get rid of the copious amounts of alcohol you've drank and stored in your bladder. Upon leaving the toilet cubicle with your skirt/dress tucked in your Bridgette Jones's (which used to be white but have turned grey in a dark wash) and tissue stuck to the bottom of your shoe, you realize you need to re-apply your lipstick and eyeliner. Your brain tells your hand to colour the whole of your eyelid in with your eyeliner and put your lippy on trying hard to stay in the lines like a 4 year old. For obvious reasons all your efforts don't pay off and you walk out the toilet and back to the dance floor looking like Heath Ledger's Joker. 
      People walk over and tell you about the tissue trailing behind your every step, but fail to tell you about your wardrobe malfunction or makeup looking like it was flung at your face by a monkey while trapped in the enclosure at a zoo, so you carry on walking round looking like you've been dragged through a jungle backwards.
   You take loads of pictures like your the paparazzi to document your night out in case you suffer a blackout from alcohol poisoning the next day. You leave the club then you drag yourself in a taxi while shoving a garlic mayo Donner Kebab down your throat and start dozing off with your face planted firmly inside the flaps of the pitta bread. You then get woken up to a £30 taxi fare, when its normally £10, and your skirts over your head because the taxi took you up a road with loads of speed bumps and you've been knocked about the cab like you've been in the ring with Mike Tyson.


The bucket list....

   The bucket list 
   A list of things to do before you die. Comes from the term "kicked the bucket"

The bucket list should in fact be the most exciting list of all. This list is the one that should get you motivated into changing your boring, dull existence into a fun, memorable and action-packed life without any regrets. Sounds good doesn't it? Well that is until you have wrote them all down.
  Here is just some of the things off my bucket list to show you as an example:-

  • Skydiving (*check)
  • Walking the 3 peaks in Britain (*1 peak check)
  • Visiting all 7 wonders of the world. 
  • Bungee jumping
  • Travelling the whole of Route 66
     You get the idea... Well as you can see I have managed to check off just 2 things so far but the problem is, the others need funding. How will I travel to these beautiful places without money? Do I get loans and sell my body to pay them back? Do I marry a billionaire with low self esteem so I can bully him into paying for my trips? Do I go out and beg? or do I do these things in time and save up like an normal human being? One good thing I have is time. Time is on my side as i'm only in my 20's and if I die of old age (which is never a certainty in this world) then I have plenty of it. 
    The other downside is, you look at this list with all your dreams and aspirations and realize how much of a shit life you've had and how poor you actually are. Will it spur you on? Well, yes! It spurs you on to work harder for a living in the hope your pennies turn to pounds so you can one day afford that camping trip and slog up Ben Nevis. 
   If you are fortunate enough to have a great life what will your bucket list be?

  • Work a shitty job
  • Mix with the riff raff
  • Eat pork scratching
  • Earn Minimum wage 
  • Scrounge off the government
    Lets face it, everyone in life has things they want to do. Even the Richest of people, okay maybe not Richard Branson as he has done EVERYTHING! He's been to space, got his own island and traveled in that hot air balloon, but he will still have some things he would like to do before he 'kicks the bucket'.
   Whats yours??

Wednesday 12 June 2013

The toilet paper list??

   In life, many of us have 'To-Do' Lists. Some have more than others for example:-

  • Shopping list 
  • Bucket list
  • Holiday packing list
  • Rota
  • This list... ;) (ahh did you see what I done then hehe)   
    Many a time I have sat and wrote lists of things, in the hope that I can be organised and at least remember things that I needed to do or get for the following day/month/year, but there is always more, the never ending lists of lists, you know the one, the list that keeps on giving, THE TOILET PAPER LIST!!
   Now, the toilet paper list has been in my life since school, this started with the homework list. Homework that never got handed in because I never wrote a list that reminded me to read the homework list in the first place.That list that you could never find on a Monday morning after you had woke up late because your alarm had turned itself off mysteriously without your knowledge, then I remembered my dog had ate it on the Sunday. The list started to grow from then on.
  If, like me, you started your list 'addiction' young then you know how quickly it spirals out of control. First you start writing your list just once a blue moon, then you find your at college and socializing on a more regular basis, so you write lists most weekends then. They consist of what ale your going to buy or what clothes your going to wear. Then you move into your own place and you find yourself writing lists everyday. 
    Now, I have lists that are titled 'What I need to do to get to the bottom of the lists List'.
The list has grew ever longer, longer than the proverbial 'list longer than my arm' list. Now I am left with with a list that long if you roll it up, it would in fact be like a roll of toilet paper. Mind you, you could use it as one, because its not worth the shit you wipe from your ass anyway!