Wednesday 12 June 2013

The toilet paper list??

   In life, many of us have 'To-Do' Lists. Some have more than others for example:-

  • Shopping list 
  • Bucket list
  • Holiday packing list
  • Rota
  • This list... ;) (ahh did you see what I done then hehe)   
    Many a time I have sat and wrote lists of things, in the hope that I can be organised and at least remember things that I needed to do or get for the following day/month/year, but there is always more, the never ending lists of lists, you know the one, the list that keeps on giving, THE TOILET PAPER LIST!!
   Now, the toilet paper list has been in my life since school, this started with the homework list. Homework that never got handed in because I never wrote a list that reminded me to read the homework list in the first place.That list that you could never find on a Monday morning after you had woke up late because your alarm had turned itself off mysteriously without your knowledge, then I remembered my dog had ate it on the Sunday. The list started to grow from then on.
  If, like me, you started your list 'addiction' young then you know how quickly it spirals out of control. First you start writing your list just once a blue moon, then you find your at college and socializing on a more regular basis, so you write lists most weekends then. They consist of what ale your going to buy or what clothes your going to wear. Then you move into your own place and you find yourself writing lists everyday. 
    Now, I have lists that are titled 'What I need to do to get to the bottom of the lists List'.
The list has grew ever longer, longer than the proverbial 'list longer than my arm' list. Now I am left with with a list that long if you roll it up, it would in fact be like a roll of toilet paper. Mind you, you could use it as one, because its not worth the shit you wipe from your ass anyway!


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