Thursday 13 June 2013

The bucket list....

   The bucket list 
   A list of things to do before you die. Comes from the term "kicked the bucket"

The bucket list should in fact be the most exciting list of all. This list is the one that should get you motivated into changing your boring, dull existence into a fun, memorable and action-packed life without any regrets. Sounds good doesn't it? Well that is until you have wrote them all down.
  Here is just some of the things off my bucket list to show you as an example:-

  • Skydiving (*check)
  • Walking the 3 peaks in Britain (*1 peak check)
  • Visiting all 7 wonders of the world. 
  • Bungee jumping
  • Travelling the whole of Route 66
     You get the idea... Well as you can see I have managed to check off just 2 things so far but the problem is, the others need funding. How will I travel to these beautiful places without money? Do I get loans and sell my body to pay them back? Do I marry a billionaire with low self esteem so I can bully him into paying for my trips? Do I go out and beg? or do I do these things in time and save up like an normal human being? One good thing I have is time. Time is on my side as i'm only in my 20's and if I die of old age (which is never a certainty in this world) then I have plenty of it. 
    The other downside is, you look at this list with all your dreams and aspirations and realize how much of a shit life you've had and how poor you actually are. Will it spur you on? Well, yes! It spurs you on to work harder for a living in the hope your pennies turn to pounds so you can one day afford that camping trip and slog up Ben Nevis. 
   If you are fortunate enough to have a great life what will your bucket list be?

  • Work a shitty job
  • Mix with the riff raff
  • Eat pork scratching
  • Earn Minimum wage 
  • Scrounge off the government
    Lets face it, everyone in life has things they want to do. Even the Richest of people, okay maybe not Richard Branson as he has done EVERYTHING! He's been to space, got his own island and traveled in that hot air balloon, but he will still have some things he would like to do before he 'kicks the bucket'.
   Whats yours??

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