Sunday 16 June 2013

The life list...

   Now this list is similar to the 'Bucket' list, but instead of it being about the things you want to experience in life, it's about what you want to achieve in life. 
 If I wanted to be a doctor I would list the college and University degrees I would need to do and grades I would need to achieve, or what jobs I would need to find to help me with work experiences.
  What I want from a partner, whether that's looks, personality or wealth.
   Wedding and/or Birthday plans
Listing the details of each part of the event and who's invited, colour schemes and clothes to wear etc.

  This is where shit gets really messy. You could write down every part of your life in one of these lists and plan your whole future in detail, but like the bucket list, if you don't get to do what you originally planned then you could easily end up pissed off or even worse, Depressed!
   Some people go on like they have done everything they've ever planned to do in life but is that actually true? I would find it really surprising if anyone had managed to plan their life out in perfect detail using one of these lists and actually live every thing they had planned in perfect order. If they did then I would like to know if they liked the fact that their lives where so boring and predictable!?
    Being a girly girl I have wrote many of these lists out, you know the wedding list. That list that every young girl writes at least once a year, planning their fairytale wedding to Sir Prince Charming. Mine differed every time the seasons changed, what genre of music I listened to or what man I was in lust with. So even if I managed to do everything on my lists I would end up in a really weird place in my head, That little place called confused land. The reason for that would be because I like change, What I like this year may not be what I will like next year. I would end up hating myself for not breaking free from the boring, monotonous life I had forced myself to have. Don't get me wrong, the career paths and plans list is one I wouldn't expect to change every year but its one of them lists that some people may need to correct over the years, because they have set out to do a certain career but the path led them onto a different ending. For example (above) I wrote about being a doctor but I could end up being a mortician instead because of certain skills I had gained and experiences I had, like places of work etc. 
    This is why our list become one of the many lists that end up in... The toilet paper list! You can keep adding to it the older you get making it ever longer...

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